Saturday, March 17, 2007

Our Incredible Photos!

I'm very excited to share with you all our brand new photo hosting site! To see all the photos from our projects in both Laos and India please go to:

This is part of the reason why I'm behind on updates...uploading all those photos!

I returned from India still reeling from food poisoning (I got it a second time the day before I got on the plane, if you can believe that!), but I'm fully recovered now and excited to be working on Jai Dee's projects for 2007!

Lots of great stuff is happening. Thanou is building a new website that will be easier to navigate (and easier to update). We're already out listening to musicians, searching for the "best of the best" to perform at this year's festival. And, based on your suggestions last year, we're thinking about expanding the festival into a two-day event (the second day will be an all-ages event, so whole families can attend)! Currently we're looking at late September/early October.

We'll be holding our first volunteers meeting for 2007 very soon, which will surely lead to many more inspirations and ideas on how we will help the children at our projects in Laos and India this year.

Shawn & Thanou